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Certified in Disease Intervention

What is CDI Certification?

The Certified in Disease Intervention (CDI) certification program will soon be available to disease intervention (DI) professionals. A disease intervention professional is primarily a non-licensed public health professional with applied expertise in preventing the spread of infectious disease at the community level. They accomplish this by delivering a comprehensive set of person-centered services necessary to provide access to recommended testing, treatment, and prevention resources.

CDI Certification assesses the competence of disease intervention professionals, offering evidence of essential knowledge and a standardized benchmark for skills. Certification requires continuous professional development for maintenance.

The CDI Certification Program is scheduled to launch in 2025!

Value of CDI Certification

Earning the CDI certification validates your knowledge, skills, and abilities as a nationally certified DI professional. CDI professionals in the workforce reduce risk and enhance community protection and public health safety. In addition, CDI certification allows employers and other interest groups to identify individuals with the competencies needed to perform their role or task.

Disease Intervention professionals are a critical workforce in public health, dedicated to stopping the spread of infectious diseases. They provide services like testing, treatment, and prevention resources. Their daily tasks include case investigation, contact tracing, and partner services to support those diagnosed with or exposed to infectious diseases.

What Do Disease Intervention Professionals Do?

Disease intervention professionals are essential members of the national public health workforce and reduce community spread of infectious diseases through contact tracing, partner services, health education, and facilitating access to health care. 

A disease intervention professional is defined as any public health professional who conducts disease intervention activities including, but not limited to: 

  • Person-centered interviews
  • Collection of enhanced surveillance and community assessment data
  • Contact tracing
  • Field specimen collection
  • Field investigation in outbreaks
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Community outreach
  • Collaboration with medical providers

The Certified in Disease Intervention Certification Program is supported through funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through a Cooperative Agreement awarded to the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) and sub-awarded to the National Board of Public Health Examiners (NBPHE).

Thanks to our CDI volunteers, funders, and strategic partners in supporting the development of the Certified in Disease Intervention (CDI) Certification Program.

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