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CDI Certification Advisory Committee

The Certified in Disease Intervention (CDI) Certification Advisory Committee is comprised of representatives of partner organizations who advise NBPHE on the CDI certification process. Committee members are leaders of organizations representing disease intervention professionals, NBPHE board members, and other partners. The advisory committee focuses on the goals and administration of the CDI certification, challenges facing the workforce, and how CDI certification will help government public health organizations recruit new DI employees.

Kaye Bender, PhD, RN, FAAN

- Executive Director,

Mississippi Public Health Association

Paul Halverson, DrPH, FACHE, CPH

- Dean of the Oregon Health & Science University,

Portland State University School of Public Health

Lindsay Jordan Pierce, M.Ed.

- Manager, Infectious Disease Program,

Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists

Lara Lamprecht, DrPH

- Disease Intervention and Response Branch Chief, Division of STD Prevention,

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Rita Lechuga, MD, MPH

- Associate Director, Hepatitis,

National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors

Diego Martinez

- Manager, STD Epidemiology and Surveillance Group,

Texas Department of State Health Services

Krupa Mehta, MPH

- Senior Manager, Prevention,

National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors

Shirley Orr, MHS, APRN, NEA-BC

- Executive Director,

Association of Public Health Nurses

Leonardo Parker

- Director, Prevention Programs,

National Coalition of STD Directors

Stan Phillip, Jr., DHA, MHA

- Chief, Program Development, and Implementation Branch, Division of HIV Prevention, NCHHSTP,

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Pauline Rolle, MD, MPH, CPH

- Medical Director,

Ascension Medical Group Pediatric & Southeast Georgia Primary Care

Lucy Slater, MPH

- Senior Director, HIV, STI, Viral Hepatitis,

National Association of County and City Health Officials

Dr. Bradley Stoner, PhD, MD, MA

- Director, Division of STD Prevention,

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Scott Strobel


- Viral Hepatitis Linkage to Care Coordinator,

Kansas Department of Health & Environment

Tawanda Washington, RN

- Director of Nursing,

Florida Department of Health – Duval County

Donna Wegener, MA

- Executive Director,

National Tuberculosis Coalition of America

Nizar Wehbi, MD, MPH, MBA, FACHE, CPH

- North Dakota State Health Officer,

North Dakota Department of Health

Catherine Zilber, MSc

- Vice President for Infectious Disease Programs,

CDC Foundation

Mona Zuffante, PhD(c), MPH, CPH

- Winnebago Chief Public Health Officer, Winnebago Public Health Department,

Winnebago Comprehensive Healthcare System

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