CPH Item Writing Committee
The CPH Item-Writing Committee is comprised of volunteers, primarily CPH, who represent a range of educational backgrounds, expertise, practice experience, ethnicity, gender, and geographic locations. After receiving training in best practices in item development, the item-writers develop new exam questions (items) to be used in future versions of the CPH exam. Item-writing is an excellent way to get started with CPH exam development. For information on becoming an Item-Writer, contact [email protected]
Many thanks for our 2024 Item-Writing Committee members.
Salma Abdalla, MPH, CPH
- Case Manager,
Dallas County Health and Human Services
Tobi Adeyemi
Grace Bond
Kathryn DeFranco, MPH,CPH, LDN, CLC
- Health Educator Consultant,
Florida Department of Health
Zewditu Demissie
Brittney Dixon, PhD, MPH, CPH, TTS
- : Clinical Assistant Professor and Program Director for the Bachelor of Public Health program,
University of Florida, College of Public Health and Health Professions
Rasha Elnimeiry
Luis Espinoza, PhD, MPH, MCHES®, CPH, CHW, CHW-I
- Assistant Professor of Epidemiology,
Texas A&M University-Corpus College of Nursing and Health Sciencesristi
Luis Espinoza
Kamille Garness, MD, MPH, CPH, BS, ECFMG
- Medical Administrative Specialist and Communicable Disease Investigator,
LifePoint Health
Delaram Ghanooni, MD, PhD, MPH, CPH
- Assistant Professor,
Florida International University
Phillip Hahn, MPH, CPH
- Biostatistician,
Boston Children’s Hospital
Jan Jaminal
Michele Martin, M.S., CPH
- Grant Specialist,
Cobb & Douglas Public Health
Sofia Morales, MPH, CPH
- o Program Manager of Research and Evaluation,
Yale School of Public Health
Stephanie Ogle, Pharm D., CPH
- Pharmacist,
Indian Health Service
Malesa Pereira
Claudia Serna, PhD, DDS, MPH, MBA, CPH
- Chair, Department of Public Health,
Nova Southeastern University
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