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Recertify Your CPH

Below are instructions on how to update your contact information and submit your CPH Recertification Application.

Recertifying your CPH is easy! See instructions below or use this printout.

  1. Log in NBPHE’s CertCentral Portal.
  2. Click on the “Circle Profile Icon” located on the top right-hand corner of your Dashboard and select “Account” to update your mailing address and/or email.
  1. To apply for your CPH recertification, click on “Dashboard” to the left and select “View Details.”
  1. The “Recertification Progress Bar” shows the total number of credits required to recertify. As a reminder, you need to report 30 credits for every 2-year recertification cycle. Additional credits will be required if you have gone over your original deadline.
  1. To view historical recertification credits submitted, click on “View Search Options,” then select “Recertification Activity” under Category, select “All” under Cycle, and click “Search.” Note: You are also able to view credits by 2-year cycles.
  1. Click on “Report Recertification Credits” to report activities to recertify.
  1. Enter the Start Date for the first activity and select “Recertification Activity” under category.
  1. Select the “Activity” from the dropdown. The system will provide guidance on the number of hours that can be reported per activity type. Enter the “Completion Date.”
  1. Enter the “Name,” the “Provider Name,” provide detailed description of the activity, and input the number of credits. Click on “Add Another” to add additional activities to report in one application. Once done, select “Submit.”
  1. Once all required credits are reported, you will see your progress status change to “Recertification Ready.” Click on “Apply for Recertification” option.
  1. Make sure there’s a checkmark under the “Include” column next to all credits you are reporting with your application, enter your credit card information, click on “Complete Payment,” and make sure to click on “Submit” for your application to be submitted for review.

NOTE: If you have any questions or need assistance with updating your information or reinstating your CPH, please do not hesitate to contact NBPHE staff at [email protected].  

Thank you for your continued commitment to public health. We look forward to staying connected with you!

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