Public Health Nursing Job Task Analysis
Do You Work In Public Health Nursing?
Your work as a Public Health Nurse is essential. Help shape the future of public health nursing and participate in the Job Task Analysis survey!

The National Board of Public Health Examiners (NBPHE) is conducting a Public Health Nursing Job Task Analysis Survey, and its goal is to have at least 5,000 responses. This is your opportunity to contribute to the future of public health nursing and help define the skills and knowledge needed in today’s workforce.
Public Health Nursing Job Task Analysis Survey
Through funding support from Robert Woods Johnson Foundation, the NBPHE has begun to explore a certification for public health nurses to recognize foundational knowledge and practical application of public health and nursing. As part of this work, NBPHE is conducting a Job Task Analysis surveying the public health nursing workforce.
The purpose of the JTA survey is to validate the day-to-day tasks performed by public health nurses. Public health nurses will be able to rank the importance of each task, the frequency each task is performance, and the point in their career when the task is completed. The JTA survey results will inform the development of a public health nursing certification program.
To learn more about the Public Health Nursing Certification Program visit
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Job Task Analysis?
A Job Task Analysis is a method of determining the essential functions of a set of jobs or a profession. It is the most common way certification bodies determine the content that is tested on their certification exam.
Can I share this survey?
Yes! Please share this message with as many public health organizations and colleagues as possible. The NBPHE is looking for responses from as many public health nurses as possible, working in all employment settings such as private sector, non-profits, clinical public health and foundations, for example.
Should I take this survey?
If you are currently working as a public health nurse, yes, we invite you to respond. Please share the opportunity to respond with your colleagues.
Can students respond?
As long as you have experience working in public health nursing, yes, the NBPHE welcomes your responses.
How long will it take?
Approximately 30-45 minutes altogether. The entire survey set is 44 questions followed by profile questions where you can submit some professional information about yourself.
Will my answers remain confidential?
Yes. We will not ask for your name. Your email address, if you choose to share it, will allow us to share the results of the study with you and cannot be tied to your responses. We will analyze responses in the aggregate and will not share or look at your individual response set.
Who put together the survey questions?
Members of a public health nursing job task analysis committee were carefully selected to represent a mix of nurses at a supervisor level from non-profits, private section employers, and health departments. In December 2024, they participated in a two-day workshop with measurement specialists who led them through a training process and assisted them in developing a set of tasks that represent the most common tasks performed in public health nursing.
What happens after the survey is completed?
The survey will close on April 30, 2025. The job task analysis committee will review the responses and consider which tasks did not have adequate responses to be included in the final data set. They will also review all open comments submitted through the survey. Following this, the NBPHE will analyze the remaining data set and publish a draft report on the common functions in public health nursing on a region-by-region basis across the globe. NBPHE will also perform a factor analysis on a subset of responses which will be the basis for the development of a content outline for a public health nursing certification exam. An analysis of the responses as well as an anonymized copy of the full data set will be made available to partner organizations/institutions which they can use for their own analysis.